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Hice algunas modificaciones al código para la visualización utilizando en puerto B. En mi código la salida para el parlante esta en el terminal 11.
Montaje basico se puede emplear un parlante normal de 8 ohm y el transistor puede ser el popular 2n2222 |
#define RunLed PORTAbits.RA4 int speakerPin = 11; #define c 261 #define d 294 #define e 329 #define f 349 #define g 391 #define gS 415 #define a 440 #define aS 455 #define b 466 #define cH 523 #define cSH 554 #define dH 587 #define dSH 622 #define eH 659 #define fH 698 #define fSH 740 #define gH 784 #define gSH 830 #define aH 880 #define vua 255 #define vub 127 #define vuc 63 #define vud 31 #define vue 15 #define vuf 7 #define vug 3 long delayAmount; long loopTime; int x; void setup() { pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT); TRISB = 0; //establece speakerPin como salida } void beep (unsigned char speakerPin, int frequencyInHertz, long timeInMilliseconds, int vuLed) { frequencyInHertz; timeInMilliseconds; RunLed=LOW; PORTB = vuLed; delayAmount = (long)(1000000/frequencyInHertz); loopTime = (long)((timeInMilliseconds*1000)/(delayAmount*2)); for (x=0;x<loopTime;x++) { digitalWrite(speakerPin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(delayAmount); digitalWrite(speakerPin,LOW); delayMicroseconds(delayAmount); } RunLed=HIGH; PORTB = 0; delay(20); //una pequeña pausa para que las notas suenen por separado } void march() { //una traducción de una partitura a frecuencia / tiempo (en milisegundos) //se usa 500 ms para un cuarto de nota beep(speakerPin, a, 500,vua); beep(speakerPin, a, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, a, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, f, 350,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 150,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, a, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, f, 350,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 150,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, a, 1000,vua ); //first bit beep(speakerPin, eH, 500,vue ); beep(speakerPin, eH, 500,vue ); beep(speakerPin, eH, 500,vue ); beep(speakerPin, fH, 350,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 150,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, gS, 500,vug ); beep(speakerPin, f, 350,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 150,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, a, 1000,vua ); //second bit... beep(speakerPin, aH, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, a, 350,vua ); beep(speakerPin, a, 150,vua ); beep(speakerPin, aH, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, gSH, 250,vug ); beep(speakerPin, gH, 250,vug ); beep(speakerPin, fSH, 125,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, fH, 125,vuf ); beep(speakerPin, fSH, 250,vuf ); delay(250); beep(speakerPin, aS, 250,vua ); beep(speakerPin, dSH, 500,vud ); beep(speakerPin, dH, 250,vud ); beep(speakerPin, cSH, 250,vuc ); //start of the interesting bit beep(speakerPin, cH, 125,vuc); beep(speakerPin, b, 125,vub); beep(speakerPin, cH, 250,vuc); delay(250); beep(speakerPin, f, 125,vuf); beep(speakerPin, gS, 500,vug ); beep(speakerPin, f, 375,vuf); beep(speakerPin, a, 125,vua ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 500,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, a, 375,vua ); beep(speakerPin, cH, 125,vuc ); beep(speakerPin, eH, 1000,vue ); beep(speakerPin, aH, 500,vua ); beep(speakerPin, a, 350,vua); beep(speakerPin, a, 150,vua); beep(speakerPin, aH, 500,vua); beep(speakerPin, gSH, 250,vug); beep(speakerPin, gH, 250,vug); beep(speakerPin, fSH, 125,vuf); beep(speakerPin, fH, 125,vuf); beep(speakerPin, fSH, 250,vuf); delay(250); beep(speakerPin, aS, 250,vua); beep(speakerPin, dSH, 500,vud); beep(speakerPin, dH, 250,vud); beep(speakerPin, cSH, 250,vuc); //repeat... repeat beep(speakerPin, cH, 125,vuc); beep(speakerPin, b, 125,vub); beep(speakerPin, cH, 250,vuc); delay(250); beep(speakerPin, f, 250,vuf); beep(speakerPin, gS, 500,vug); beep(speakerPin, f, 375,vuf); beep(speakerPin, cH, 125,vuc); beep(speakerPin, a, 500,vua); beep(speakerPin, f, 375,vuf); beep(speakerPin, c, 125,vuc); beep(speakerPin, a, 1000,vua); } void loop() // se ejecuta una y otra vez... { march(); }
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